Friday, May 24, 2024

Suzz's Stencil Sensation

 Hi!  Suzz here.   I played around with the Stampers Anonymous floral deco stencil and tried to show how versatile it is for my sensational stencil! 

The stencil was beautiful with distress oxide inks, distress inks, and inky sprays!  I started with just a soft background with distress oxide vintage photo ink.

I accented the background with a shimmery pink spray from the mica stain spray.  A few different die cut flower and butterflies sprayed and sponged along with a beautiful quote from Robert Browning.

Then I used the stencil to sponge on a soft blush pink and then shifted the stencil slightly and sponged again with a brown oxide distress ink. 

I stamped the four leaf clover multiple times and fussy cut them to create flowers to attach on the front of the card.

I layered the flowers and used a few pop dots to make the butterfly float above the flowers.
Finally I finished with a blend of die inks sponged on the stencil.

I sponged the bottom with a brown and blended into green and then blue.  I then stamped and colored a flower to place over the pattern.  

I hope this has you pulling out your stencils!

Thanks for stopping by! 



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